The Injustice Game is an experiential and action-based learning board game in which the player aims to break the cycle of poverty and get on the path to school. Through the game, global injustice and inequality is naturally brought up for reflection and discussion.
The Injustice Game is part of Fida’s educational material supported by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and is free of charge for schools. You can download the English-language version of the game and the instructions from below.
The Injustice Game is a board game where the idea is to try to break the cycle of poverty so that the player can attend school. At the beginning of the game, “life cards” are dealt, with different starting points for each player. As the game progresses, the dice are rolled and cards are drawn, which can either help a player to get on the school path or keep them within the cycle of poverty. The game raises themes such as poverty and discriminatory attitudes that can be discussed with pupils.
The game can accommodate 4-5 players at a time.
The game is aimed at pupils in third grade and above (age 10 +) and is also suitable for middle and high school-age pupils. When playing the game with primary school children, the teacher should go through the cards beforehand and remove the toughest ones.