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The Ministry for Foreign Affairs provided significant support for Fida’s work in Yemen and Congo

A group of children with soft toys in their hands.

The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs granted Finnish NGOs a total of EUR 10.2 million in support for humanitarian aid projects for 2021.

Fida’s share of the funding allocated to the organizations is EUR 2.25 million. Fida will use the support it receives for humanitarian aid projects in Yemen and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

–  This funding decision is very encouraging and shows that our work is seen as producing results, exults Maija Saarni, Fida’s Humanitarian Aid Manager.

–  Both of our target countries are currently the world’s worst crisis areas, where help is badly needed. That is why this support is especially important, she continues.

“This food aid has protected my dignity”

The Yemen aid project received € 1.05 million in support. The country is going through the worst humanitarian crisis in the world and may become the poorest country in the world by 2022. Two-thirds of Yemen’s population currently faces severe hunger.

Fida began distributing regular food aid in the Taiz region in the summer of 2020. With the new project grant, food aid can continue: 2,000 families will receive monthly food parcels. Additionally, people suffering from trauma are provided with psychosocial support and communities are assisted in reconstruction projects. Families are also given solar-powered stoves.

Teenage Amal* is one of the Yemenis who received food aid from Fida. Amal is an orphan girl who lost her parents in the fighting in the Taiz region. She had to support herself and her younger siblings by begging in places where she experienced harassment and insecurity. Food aid changed Amal’s life.

– After receiving help, I no longer had to go begging or experience harassment in markets and restaurants. This food aid has protected my dignity, Amal notes.

Yemen is experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Two thirds of the country’s population is starving.

Fida searched for a way to get relief to Yemen for long time. There is a travel ban to the country and it is difficult for international organizations to work. In 2019, Fida found a reliable partner organization through the recommendations of other organizations

– Our partner is an organization with an exceptionally long history of work in Yemen, dating back five decades. Therefore, it is very well networked with the communities in the area and enjoys the trust of the people. The partner is also very professional, and communication has been easy, says Maija Saarni.

Congo’s decades-long crisis is one of the worst in the world

Fida’s humanitarian Aid in the Democratic Republic of the Congo received a grant of € 1.2 million. The humanitarian situation in Congo is one of the worst in the world. In addition to the danger to life, Congolese will face hunger and insecurity. Sexual violence is used as a weapon of war, so there is a great need for psychosocial help, especially for women and children.

Fida’s aid will support the mental and physical well-being of people fleeing the conflict in the Kalem and Moba areas of Tangayika. Families are given seeds and farm equipment as well as a cash grant so they can buy food and groceries. Children’s access to school is supported by paying school fees and learning materials. Psychosocial first aid is provided for children with trauma and child-friendly centers are built in communities with a safe environment to play and learn.

Fida has been a partner of the CEPAC Pentecostal Church (Communauté des Eglises de Pentecôte en Afrique Centrale) in the Congo since 2006.

* Person’s name changed for security reasons

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