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Fida investigation into misuse of funds in Zanzibar

In early summer 2022, Fida’s Country Office in Tanzania received tip-offs from two local employees and one beneficiary regarding the possible misuse of funds in Fida’s development cooperation activities in Zanzibar. The suspicion was directed at one local employee of the Country Programme.
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Two Tanzanian boys laughing.
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Tanzania’s Pentecostal churches invest in Sunday schools

More than half of Tanzania’s population is under the age of 20. The children of big cities are a large group unreached by the gospel. Nevertheless, activities aimed at children have not been considered important in local churches. Teacher training is limited to a few seminars, and there is a shortage of both materials and teachers.
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Burundian villagers dance and clap with smiles.
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Change under the shade of Banana Trees –Read how a Small Burundian Village Is Rising Out of Poverty

The village of Rusengo in Burundi has undergone enormous change in just a few years. It shows that a lot of good can come out of a seemingly hopeless starting point.
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A woman teaching a group of children in Sunday school, holding a painting of a sailboat on a body of water.
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Nine years of work in Papua New Guinea is over – Sunday school books in their native language bring joy to churches

Marianne and Esa-Matti Pyykkönen have reason to celebrate. The couple have been doing missionary work in Papua New Guinea for nine years and now an important phase of their work has been completed. They have translated and edited the Book series Pearls of the Bible into the tok pisin language. The series consists of six teaching books and six picture books and has previously been translated into more than 30 languages.
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The child is holding a teddy bear.
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Trauma teddy bears bring comfort to children in the war

Fida’s humanitarian aid includes psychosocial support to help people to deal with trauma and adapt to new situations. Donated trauma teddy bears help children who have fled the war in Ukraine.
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The boy peers through the broken fabric.
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Fida is responding with record-breaking amounts to address the humanitarian emergency in Yemen and Congo

The world’s worst crises are protracted and forgotten. Fida and its partners respond to the acute emergency with food, child protection, and farming support.
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Kenyan woman in colourful clothes in the garden.
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An oasis in the middle of the desert

In the middle of the Kenyan wilderness, an oasis has been created. Research results show that clean water and farming practices developed for harsh conditions have resulted in significant change there. Unlike previous generations, children no longer suffer from hunger.
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Flag of Ukraine.
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Fida is fundraising emergency aid for Ukraine

Fida is preparing to deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The war in Ukraine is causing…
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Ethiopian kids playing with a tyre.
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Fida’s Development Cooperation work in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world, and conflicts between different groups of people have been going on in the country for decades. Development has been slowed down by armed conflicts, natural disasters, and the coronavirus pandemic.