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Fida’s free pick up service

Donate goods and clothing to Fida Secondhand

Fidan noutopalvelun kuljettaja ottaa vastaan lahjoitustavaraa

Order free pick up


call us at 050 300 5035 (mobile call charge)

Customer service is open on weekdays 9-20 and Saturdays 10-17 (public holidays might affect the opening hours). We will call you back.

Service area for pick-up

Uusimaa: Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen, Vantaa, Kirkkonummi, Sipoo, Kerava, Järvenpää, Tuusula (Hyrylä region)
Häme: Hämeenlinna region
Pirkanmaa: Tampere, Lempäälä, Pirkkala, Kangasala (Suorama and centre), Nokia

Our free pick-up service is also available in the Lahti region. Please contact Fida Lahti for further information.


What can I donate?

Fida’s free pick-up service accepts:

• clothing, shoes and home textiles
• kitchenware and cutlery
• items for home decoration
• furniture
• other house goods

Our drivers inspect the furniture and make a decision whether we are able to accept the furniture for sale. The furniture is transported directly to the nearest Fida Shop.

valkoiset astiat ja lusikka

Get ready for the pick-up

Have you ordered a pick-up for your donation? Please make sure that:

– the smaller items are packed in advance
– drivers can access the donated furniture and no other furniture is blocking the passageway
– no pets disturb our drivers at work

Note that Fida’s drivers use work shoes indoors and carry goods only from the lower floors, due to safety reasons.
Please contact us in advance if you have larger items you are planning to donate.

Secondhandin noutopalvelun kuljettaja hakee paketin asiakkaan kotiovelta.


In case you need assistance with someone picking up your donation (clothes, textiles, home items) as soon as possible, you might want to consider booking a pick-up through our partner, MyFetch. MyFetch’s pick-up service has a small fee. The service is available in the capital region.

Valkopaitaisella henkilöllä on kasa värikkäitä vaatteita käsissä.

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