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With your help we can make the world a better place step by step. The women in Republic of Congo will have the chance to transform the pain into power. 🧡

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Pakolaisleirin valkoisia telttoja, etualalla kolme kongolaista lasta.
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Fida monitors the escalating crises in the democratic republic of the Congo

Fida has launched an emergency appeal due to the humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and is preparing to assist people who have fled the fighting.
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The child is holding a teddy bear.
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Trauma teddy bears bring comfort to children in the war

Fida’s humanitarian aid includes psychosocial support to help people to deal with trauma and adapt to new situations. Donated trauma teddy bears help children who have fled the war in Ukraine.
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The boy peers through the broken fabric.
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Fida is responding with record-breaking amounts to address the humanitarian emergency in Yemen and Congo

The world’s worst crises are protracted and forgotten. Fida and its partners respond to the acute emergency with food, child protection, and farming support.