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Donate – Change lives

Your Donation Makes a Difference. Together we can bring hope for people and communities.

Kaksi tyttöä tekee käsillä sydämen.

Every donation counts.

Donate to support our mission, development or humanitarian work. Fida aims to bring hope and a better future to all, especially to children living in poverty. We also do relief work in crisis areas and respond to natural disasters. Your donation will change the lives of children and women and other vulnerable people.

Äiti halaa pientä lasta sylissään.

Donating by bank transfer in Finland

Bank: Nordea Bank Finland Plc (Äyritie 20, 01600 Vantaa, Finland)
Account Name: Fida International ry
IBAN: FI4122871800005256

Bank Transfer Codes

558002Food for life, fundraising for development cooperation
570077Ukraine Aid
550000Development cooperation
570006Humanitarian assistance and emergency relief

Recycle and Help

You can support our work by donating used clothes, furniture and household items to Fida Secondhand Shops – one of the largest and oldest secondhand chains in Finland.

Donating for Fida Secondhand is available in Finland.

Värikäs vaatepino ihmisen käsissä.

Donating in the USA or Canada

Your donation will change the lives of children and women and other vulnerable people.

You can make a donation by cheque or donate online. Read specific instructions.

Kongolaisäiti pitää lasta sylissä.

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