Siirry sisältöön

Our Global work

We work for a just world, provide aid in crisis areas, and bring the Good News of the Gospel to all nations.

Punaiseen neuleeseen pukeutunut tyttö näyttää kameralle käsillään sydänmerkkiä.

Fida International has been working across the world for nearly a hundred years, for the well-being, hope, and future of our neighbours.

Together with local churches, we bring the Good News of the Gospel to all nations and people groups.

We equip churches and other NGOs to promote justice, peace, and human dignity. Our work focuses on vulnerable children and youth. We also operate in conflict zones and crisis areas and provide disaster relief.

Fida Secondhand Shops support our global work. Since 1979, our stores have promoted sustainable development and ethical consumption as a vital part of the circular economy in Finland.

Development and Humanitarian Work

We dream of a world where everyone can live with dignity, even in regions affected by poverty, distress, and conflict. We serve vulnerable people and promote lasting change, with a special focus on children and youth.

tyttö katsoo kameraan

Church Ministry

We dream of a world where everyone knows about a loving God. We support churches in various countries, equipping them to serve their communities with a holistic gospel — a message that belongs to every person, everywhere, at all times.

mies lukee raamattua

How We Help

Get To Know Our Work

Development Cooperation for a Just World

Every child has the right to quality education and a safe living environment. We work for the rights of children and youth in the least developed countries.

Humanitarian Assistance in Crisis and Disasters

We provide help in times of greatest need. We focus on education in emergencies and psychosocial support.

Churches in Development

With our support, churches are equipped with tools to defend the vulnerable and marginalised and work for sustainable wellbeing of families.

Where We Work

Fida operates in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and South America. Learn more about our working areas on this page.

Poika keinuu, taustalla toinen poika nojaa keinun runkoon hymyillen.

Our Work is Effective

Our work is sustainable and has a lasting impact. We always work together with local communities. Learn more about our results!

Kenialainen, punaiseen koulupaitaan pukeutunut poika näyttää koulukirjoja kameralle

Shop for a Better World

Fida Secondhand Shops have supported our global work for over 40 years.

Fida secondhand asiakas ostaa second hand tuotteita